Baku, Azerbaijan. The Exhibition has been produced with support of ArtExEast Foundation.
Baku, Azerbaijan
June 14 – July 31, 2013
Miss Kindness arrives at the KicikQalart Art!
She is an agent provocateur, a spiritual sado-masochist, and a paradoxical super ego. Miss Kindness helps unlock the doors of our perception through her surreal photography, collage and installations.
This three-part psycho thriller by Natalia Mali and Daniel Howard Newton re-imagines stereotypes, clichés, complexes, passions and our dreams.
“The Stairway” and “Pendulum”installations showcase the tension between conflict and guilt. The photography and collages take the viewer on subconscious journey with contemporary composer Maria Vatenina’s ambient sounds.
Art Director/Designer/Sculptor, Daniel Howard Newton and Photographer/Performance and Installation artist, Natalia Mali collaborate their diverse talents to represent the disquieting expressionist kingdom of Miss Kindness.
Their hope is to instigate self-reflection and ironically reinvent the ubiquitous nature of Miss Kindness. Immersion into the world’s of Mali and Newton will undoubtedly extend our intellects and allows us to interpret our personal dreams and freedoms.
Dare you take a dream trip with Miss Kindness?